Gartner: Online-Bürgernetzwerke werden in Zukunft einige Regierungsaufgaben ergänzen oder eventuell komplett ersetzen

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008 um 11:42

Laut dem IT-Marktforschungs- und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner werden bis zum Jahr 2011 70 Prozent der Social Computing-Anwendungen von Regierungsorganisationen und Behörden eher unplanmäßig und unerwartet einen wirtschaftlichen Nutzen generieren. Staatliche Einrichtungen überall auf der Welt zeigen großes Interesse an Social Computing, obwohl es bislang nur wenige konkrete Einsatzbeispiele gibt.

„Die momentane globale Finanzkrise unterstützt die Argumentation für die Einbindung von sozialen Netzwerken in staatlichen Einrichtungen. Budgetkürzungen im Technologie-Bereich machen die Einbeziehung von gesellschaftlichen Institutionen, wie Freiwilligenverbände, Vereine oder soziale Netzwerke notwendig, um die geringere Aktivität des Staates in kritischen Bereichen auszugleichen“, sagt Andrea Di Maio, Vice President und Distinguished Analyst bei Gartner.

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In Englisch:

Egham, UK, 23 October 2008 — By 2011, 70 per cent of social computing deployments in government that achieve business benefits will do so in unplanned or unexpected ways, according to Gartner, Inc. Government organisations around the world are showing great interest in social computing, yet deployment so far is relatively limited.

”The current global financial turmoil bolsters the case for government adoption of social networks as technology-budget cuts make tapping into societal resources, such as voluntary groups, philanthropists, associations and social network groups essential to complement weaker government action in some critical areas,” said Andrea Di Maio, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner.

According to Mr Di Maio, there are plenty of government-initiated networks and – like any such network – they succeed only when they have a clear and magnetic purpose such as Diplopedia, a wiki created by the US State Department that supports collaboration across intelligence and foreign affairs agencies.  “However, the most promising, and yet, most disruptive, communities are those created outside government. Examples in the UK include Netmums, a community of parents dealing with child-care issues, and PledgeBank, which allows users to set up pledges and then encourages other people to sign up to them,” he said.

Today, the primary role of social networks for governments is to facilitate the exchange of information and to establish novel collaboration patterns, often across organisational boundaries. “For example, a case manager in human services is responsible for identifying clients in need through outreach or referral, and conducting a comprehensive social and financial assessment. In the future, he or she will be part of a more complex socio-ecosystem, including a voluntary sector, online communities and individuals who play a fundamental role through all the different phases. Their role will shift from managing a case to ensuring that community resources are complemented where needed,” said Mr Di Maio.

Meldung gespeichert unter: Gartner, Marktdaten und Prognosen

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